Articles on: Booker

How to read your booking export?

You can find your booking export on the booking platform. Open your booking and under the ‘Pricing breakdown’ is the PDF ‘Export bookings as pdf’ available.
It contains all booking-relevant information, like e.g. the ‘Pricing breakdown’, ‘Booking information’ or space details.

You can find an export of all your bookings in your Booking Dashboard:

To get to the export please click on the export link in the top-right corner of the page & choose the appropriate format. Please note: you will always receive the full export - filtering is not applied to the export.

We export the following values of your bookings in an Excel export:

General Booking Information:
ID: The identifier of your booking
Status: Status of this booking (confirmed, canceled, rejected)
Kind: Direct booking or Request
Venue_ID: The unique identifier of your venue
Venue_name: The venue that is booked
Space_name: The space that is booked
Check_in: The starting time of the booking
Check_out: The ending time of the booking
requested_on: The timestamp when the booker requested the booking
guests: The number of guests that are planned for the booking
renter: A unique identifier of the booker
organization: If the booker is part of a Spacebase Business Account with potential custom pricing this is specified here
company_name: The name of the company
First Name/Last Name: The name of the booker
Booking Reference: A reference that the booker provided in the booking flow to recognize the booking - this is optional inputbooking_link: A direct link to the booking on Spacebase

Invoicing Information:

text_invoice_address: The invoice address of the booker
total_gross: The total amount (after tax, gross) that the booker has to pay for the booking to Spacebase
total_net: The total amount (before tax, net) that the booker has to pay for the booking to Spacebase
total_applied_discount: The total amount of discounts that the booker received for this booking. The net and gross values already consider the applied discounts in value
total_gross_payable_to_venue: The total gross earnings (after tax) that the space provider will receive
total_net_payable_to_venue: The total net earnings (before tax) that the space provider will receive
total_space_net: The total net earnings from the space (before tax) that the space provider will receive
total_extras_net: The total net earnings from extras such as catering or equipment (before tax) that the space provider will receive. This only considers extras that are provided by the space provider
supplied_by_SB_total_extras_net: The total net value of extras (before tax) that are provided by Spacebase directly or a third-party supplier of Spacebase.
booked_extras: The list of booked extras

Payment Information:

Payout_note_nr: The invoice number of the invoice that Spacebase has generated automatically or received from the space provider
Payout_remittance_status: The status of the payout - can be: Remitted, Pay (e.g. ready for payout), In-Process (currently being paid)
Payout_remitted_date: The date at which Spacebase remitted the total payable to the space provider
Paid_date: The date at which the booker paid the booking to Spacebase

Updated on: 19/01/2024

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