Articles on: Provider

What is the right listing option for me?

There are different listing models on Spacebase, depending on the type of space that you would like to rent out with us.

Spacebase Standard: Our classic offer for renting out your meeting/ conference rooms.

With our ‘Spacebase Standard’ package, registration and listing on are completely free of charge. There is no contractional binding or any ongoing cost. Only in case of a confirmed booking does our commission model of 20% on the total booking price apply.

Pro-Venue: For professional event venues only

With this model, you gain access to our specialized request process tailored to versatile event locations. These are the benefits:

You will receive the direct contact details of the booker immediately upon their request to discuss details.
Create a customized quote directly through the platform or using your usual tools.
We will display a positive note in your venue profile for an especially professional location.
Permanently reduced commission to 8%.

We offer this as an annual subscription for net €890,- per year.

MICE Preferred Partnership: For hotels and congress locations.

The Spacebase Group includes its own MICE agency, which acts as an intermediary between our hotel/event partners and our major corporate clients.
As our preferred partner, you'll receive high-quality agency requests and also benefit from an additional media presence. Furthermore, you will be listed as a Pro Venue on our platform.

We will individually assess whether your location is suitable for our MICE partnership. If you're interested or have any questions, simply contact our Space Management Team via mail under or schedule a phone appointment with us here. We will be happy to answer any questions.

Become a Preferred Partner for a yearly fee of net 990,- EUR.

Updated on: 05/06/2024

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